South America 2017 Update


New doors have opened in South America this year as local leadership took responsibility.  Courses and groups are being offered in their own churches and communities.  This has been a long-time dream of the FOH International Team. The fruition creates momentum for doors to open in other countries in South America.


This year Emi Monges has seen her leadership team begin to take independent responsibility for leading courses for different groups.  Over the past five years, Focus on the Heart ministry has reached multiple small groups in 10 churches across the country. The Asuncion area, the rural Guarani-speaking north, the Chaco area to the west, and the difficult Ciudad del Este area on the eastern border with Brazil have all been influenced by the FOH ministry.  Last year, several of the leaders began using Titus 2 course with neighborhood groups and they have seen a number of women come to Christ as a result. In October 2017, Chris led the leaders through special training for facilitators.


Focus on the Heart has taken off this year in Peru in the coastal city of Chimbote.  Under the supervision of Luisa Cardenas, there are now many Titus and ABC 1 groups led by the students she and Chris have trained.  There is also a group of women pastors led by Rosa Zavaleta, the Chimbote FOH coordinator.  Luisa and Chris introduced ABC 2 to the leaders and pastors in October.

Two of the Peru FOH leaders

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