Philippines Recap 2017


As more nationals in the Philippines get immersed in community, FOH is impacting lives and families throughout the country.  Agnes Dianga continues to lead the FOH Philippines Ministry, working closely with Judith Catorce. Their leadership team has expanded to include Sharon Vina. On the faculty of the Bible School in Mindanao, Sharon saw her first class of students graduate with a Certificate in Women’s Ministry, using FOH material. The pilot project of using FOH materials in their Women’s Ministry program was a great success. This means the graduates are now ready to facilitate some of the early FOH courses.

Nationals leading Nationals

As the nationals, in the Philippines, offer courses independently of the International Team, they have seen their desire to multiply come to fruition. 4 Titus courses, 1 ABC’s 2, 1 Heart Freedom 1 and 3 Heart Freedom 2 courses were held in various places in the country. Titus courses are being led on an ongoing basis in numerous local churches across provinces.  Chris and Susan traveled to spend time with Agnes and the leadership team in February.  During that time, they conducted a “Leadership Training” for key women in Mindanao and the Manila area.

From left to right: Judith, Barbara, Agnes, Chris, and Edna

Agnes reports that the greatest encouragement for the FOH Leadership team is seeing other women own the vision of the ministry and have passion to do ministry in their areas.  However, their greatest challenge remains to be the finances needed to meet all the requests for training that they receive.

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