Heart Healing – Atlanta, January 2018


At the end of January a group of ten women gathered to learn and practice hearing God’s voice through the Heart Healing course.  They found that as we give the Spirit space to reveal His Truth, He always will.

Throughout life, those who have grown up in the church, or been involved in the church for a long time, know that God is always with us.  That is what His name, Immanuel, means.  But to experience His presence is not an everyday occurrence, making remembering that He is close difficult.  Heart Healing is a course created to give women the opportunity to practice hearing from God and to help them learn discern His voice.  Its purpose is to create a safe place where they can experience God’s closeness.

“Waiting to hear the voice of the Lord is a vulnerable place to sit. This weekend was filled with time and space to hear His Truth and see transformation take place. The course provided an opportunity for women to gather and wait to hear from Him together. It created an incredible atmosphere of anticipation and vulnerability, a safe haven to see what happened. I saw where Jesus is in my day-to-day life, walking alongside me in my exhaustion. What once felt like shortcoming and failure, shifted into a moment where Jesus is sharing my burden. It was beautiful. Shame and guilt melted away as I was able to rest with Jesus in the midst of my responsibility.” ~ Ashley, an FOH participant in Atlanta

Heart Healing

Heart Healing begins with discussing lies the enemy plants in our hearts and lives through our perceived experiences. Believing we have a God that is “with us”, we believe that God wants to counter those lies with His Truth so that our perspectives to shift to His.  The women were introduced to, or reminded of, the concept of Immanuel Prayer, developed by Dr. Karl Lehman.

Heart Healing begins with discussing lies the enemy plants in our hearts and lives through our perceived experiences. Believing we have a God that is “with us”, we believe that God wants to counter those lies with His Truth so that our perspectives to shift to His.  The women were introduced to, or reminded of, the concept of Immanuel Prayer, developed by Dr. Karl Lehman.

This approach focuses on Jesus being the center of the healing process.  As we come to Him in prayer, He will give us Truth.  In Heart Healing the participants do this in groups of three.  One person (The Listener) is the active participant, listening and receiving from God.  The second person asks questions of the Listener.  The third person prays and takes notes for the Listener.  Over the weekend all ten women had a chance to sit in each role, and see God move in their own lives as well as the lives of others.

The vulnerability was worth it. The Lord revealed Truth to these women and spoke words of wisdom, grace and love. True heart healing occurred, through the words and gift of Jesus.

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