Heart Freedom: Growing Through Relationship with God

In the first two courses we look at how to love with our whole being, how our interpretations from childhood flow into our interpretations in adulthood, how the fallen nature of this world and the suffering that it causes can be used for God’s good, and what it looks like to be a mature person living as a believer.

Heart Freedom 3: Deeping our Relationship with God, provides time to explore what it means to establish a deep relationship with the Lord and with His people.  Scripture gives us practical ways to do this, and we discuss and practice those throughout the course.

God has given us three resources to help us grow emotionally and spiritually and we spend the course learning, sharing and discussing these three:

  1. The Holy Spirit – With God in our lives, the Holy Spirit takes us through a process of change, development and growth as we respond to His presence in us. Learning to listen to His voice in active, engaging prayer is a transformational skill that leads to heart healing and maturity in ways that only the Lord can provide.
  2. The Word of God – His own words are written and spoken to us through His Spirit and Scripture and can minister to us and guide us during times of solitude. We spend time seeing how, as we focus our minds, we can received God’s Word in a fresh, new and personal way.
  3. The Body of Christ – Scripture states, as iron sharpens iron, we sharpen each other. As a loving community: we serve one another, challenge one another, encourage one another other, bear one another’s burdens and work as the living Body of Christ. As we mature and find freedom in Christ and with His Spirit, we find that we can meet and grow in that body without hindrances of our own.

Practically during this course, we take time to respond to God’s invitation to solitude and listening to Him as He shows us more of Himself and His love, more about ourselves, and how He has designed us to be complete in Him in a way that brings growth in our lives, bears fruit in others and brings glory to Him.


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hand in the bible

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FOH equips women to walk with God and each other in authentic relationships where they experience the freedom of living and loving wholeheartedly.

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