Heart Freedom – Atlanta, GA


On a rare brisk August morning in Atlanta, a group of 11 women met together to grow deeper in relationship with each other and Christ.  This weekend the Heart Freedom courses concluded with Part 3.

“This course was integral in learning better how to hear the voice of God.  Already He has spoken such wonderful truth to me!”

This was just one of many responses to the weekend and the three parts as a whole.  Though the women in this particular group are not from the same church, stage of life, circumstances or background, all 11 came together to share their hearts and grow in their relationship with Christ.  They experienced the joy of hearing God speak personally, through appreciation prayers and interactive journaling. Their joy was then enhanced by sharing what they heard with other group members.  The discussion-based course brought a new appreciation for setting aside time to hear from the Lord and share their reflections with other women.


Many of these women will continue on to become facilitators and trainers around the world.  They will partner with women in all stages of life and walk with the Lord, growing closer to Him.


Many of these women will continue on to become facilitators and trainers around the world.  They will partner with women in all stages of life and walk with the Lord, growing closer to Him.

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