God’s Arithmetic in Peru


Chris Hanak has recently returned from her Peru trip with a heart full of God’s faithfulness.  She has been down to South America working on building the FOH ministry for several years and this past year God’s Kingdom has seen growth and fruit from her persistence and love for the women there.

In Chimbote last year, Luisa and I (Chris Hanak) began training 2 groups of 8 women, so we impacted 16 in all.  A number of those 16 began sharing the same  material with other women in their church and, a year later, there are 56 women who have been through Titus & ABC 1!

2 = 16 = 56! This is God’s arithmetic!

FOH – Peru group facilitators

Our time with the women who are facilitating courses was a delight as we got to know them better and share more deeply together. ABC 2 focuses on recognizing the process of recovering from loss and ways to help a friend going through grief.  We look in more detail at the process of forgiveness, since we’ve seen that unforgiveness is one of the greatest spiritual problems we face.  And we learn to recognize the defensive behaviors that are so destructive to our personal relationships and to  deal with the fear that is the root of this defensiveness.Our goal in FOH is always transformation, not just knowledge. These women are beginning the process of unlearning defensiveness and learning to yield their fears to the Lord.  Please pray for these women below who are learning this and will be sharing it with their sisters in Christ in the church.

Luisa and Rosa

Many of you have joined Luisa and me in praying for this multiplication in Peru for many years. What a joy to see that, as usual, the Lord has answered our prayers super-abundantly more than we could ask or imagine!  Rosa will now be Luisa’s partner in developing FOH in Peru. Rosa is responsible for the multiplication we’ve seen and she will continue working with Luisa to extend the ministry of FOH into other churches in other areas.  Sometimes it seems we have to wait too long to see answers to our prayers, but God’s answers are always worth waiting for.

Thank you so much for your prayers!  All of the time we invest in praying for God’s will to be done is more than worthwhile.  These are only a few of the results — we’ll see the rest in heaven!


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