FOH India 2017 Update


India has experienced the impact of FOH, and women from all parts of the country have asked about how they might get involved. In 2017 alone they were able to offer: 6 Titus courses, 1 ABC 1, 2 ABC 2 and 2 Heart Freedom 2 Courses – seeing more women and families impacted this year than any previous year.  One tool that has greatly strengthened the Indian women is the pattern of conducting follow-up sessions.  The women who attend a course are connecting with the same ladies afterwards, strengthening their bond and trust.  This also helps them instill the new perspectives they gained from the trainings.

Participants of an FOH course

These courses and follow-up sessions have touched the lives of women in other mission organizations who are now requesting training for their entire staff.  This has led to AFCI India developing partnerships with New Life Computer Institute and Youth for Christ.  The impact is truly multiplying.

Rhoda Duthie continues to give leadership to FOH India working with Jessie Hebbal and Alice Suba on the leadership team.  The greatest encouragement for Rhoda this year comes from the partnerships that have been developed with other mission groups who have mature women, eager to be trained and to coordinate the trainings for their staff.  The greatest challenge, besides Rhoda’s living in the US now, is the need for more mature, trained facilitators.

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