Doors Open in Europe


From May 9th to 22nd, Barbara Hanak and Susan Bonas had the opportunity to travel to Europe, sharing FOH’s first course, Becoming a Godly Woman (Titus 2:3-5).  They met with women leaders from Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine.  The time spent there was a significant investment in the lives of these leaders, and continues to show us that God is always moving.

A Letter From Barbara

Launching in Europe

Our hearts filled with joy seeing God at work in women’s lives in Eastern Europe.  They have waited three years for this training, but with the exponential growth of FOH, and need for more trainers, we were unable to travel there until now.  Once there, it was such a blessing to see their hearts open in the safe environment of a small group.  We shared with them Becoming a Godly Woman: Titus 2:3-5, and safe conversations were created dialoguing what it looks like to be Christ-like.

We continued on to Romania where we met with our AFCI women leaders from Ukraine and Romania.  The women in this group ranged from a new believer to a woman who is a Christian Psychiatrist with her own practice.  The Lord gave the women a number of “aha’s” as we talked through the issues of pain and forgiveness.  It was amazing to see that as we finished the three days of training, these women also expressed their eagerness to translate the material and begin using it in their own countries.

Meals and laughter surrounded the intimate spiritual discussions.  By the conclusion of the course, the women who initiated the training eagerly expressed their desire to translate the material.  They plan to begin translating into Slovak soon and use it in their churches.

Testimonies from the women

Older women in our countries have encountered so much pain under communism, and all younger women understand is a “free” Europe. The gap between generations is great. We have no women’s ministry in our church and this is just what we need! Even as a 22-year-old, these principles are truths for my life and I want to teach them to my small group of young women. Now I understand better how to listen to their struggles and hear underlying issues in their hurting hearts.

We are grateful for your prayers. The women were encouraged as we shared that there were American sisters in Christ praying for them, their growth and influence in post-communist Europe.  There is a beautiful rest in knowing this is God’s work. We will continue to walk alongside these women as they seek to invest in the lives of other women in their countries.  Leaders will connect through Skype, and together we will seek God’s leading into the next steps.


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