Beliefs about Women
The influence of women impacts their homes, families, churches and communities.
When properly related to God and others, their godly influence positively alters future
generations and accelerates the transformation of entire societies.
Women naturally offer comfort, support, and help to those in need. As their hearts are
filled with the love of God, they can comfort the grieving with the comfort they have
received, walk with the hurting with a heart that’s been healed, and support others with
hope and faith as they go through life’s challenges and changes.
Beliefs about Spiritual Maturity and Transformation
We measure spiritual maturity by the fruit of transformed hearts. We believe that biblical
principles define our maturity as the ability to live out of a heart of love, loving others as
Jesus loves us.
We recognize that a wounded heart is a barrier to receiving the love of God and to spiritual
maturity. As our hearts are healed and changed by God’s love and truth, and as we learn to
interact closely and continuously with Him, our attitudes and actions are transformed. This
transformation continues throughout our lifetime.
Emotional immaturity is also a barrier to spiritual maturity because we are only as spiritually
mature as we are emotionally mature.
Emotional maturity develops in healthy communities. It brings freedom from selfishness, fears, and defenses, and freedom to enjoy authentic, healthy relationships.
Beliefs about Healthy Team-Based Ministry
Teams are the best way to begin and strategically multiply a ministry. Equipping leaders to
replicate the Focus on the Heart ministry maximizes the potential number of women who can be reached.
Focus on the Heart teams are small groups of women with the same vision and different gifts
working together. The Lord gives each one different gifts so that we will learn to be
interdependent on each other (1 Corinthians 12). The unique composition of individuals on
each team makes it possible to achieve greater results as members work together rather than separately.
Being a member of a Focus on the Heart team provides opportunities to experience and to
grow in gifts, service, and relationships.
Leadership in team-based ministry should follow Christ’s example of servanthood (Matthew
20:26-28). Servant leaders help others be successful.
Adult Learning
Adult learning takes place best in interactive small groups in which honest, confidential
communication and trusting personal relationships offer encouragement and motivation to
grow in maturity.
Discussion-based consideration of the ways in which God’s Word applies to our attitudes
and actions is a productive way to encourage spiritual and emotional growth.
Practical strategies are important for cementing new habits. Practicing the concepts helps reinforce growth in healthy relationships.
Prayer is an essential component of continued growth in Christlikeness.